A salute to a hero in our midst

We usually reserve our news page to stories concerning business. However, we felt compelled this week to publish a story involving one of our Agile extended family members. Andy Nicholls, husband of our very own Marieka, did something that inspired us all this week. On Monday, whilst driving between jobs during his hectic work schedule, Andy noticed a woman by the side of the road appearing distressed.  He realised that she was building up the courage to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge onto the M25 below. Rather than drive on by which, if we are all honest most of us would probably have done, Andy made the split-second decision to stop the car, pull over and try and help. He sat on the edge of the bridge with her and began to engage her in conversation.  Very quickly he was able to find some common ground (Crystal Palace FC) and started to build up a rapport whilst inching closer to her. Fairly soon he was holding her hand and giving her the comfort she needed at that moment in time.  We have little doubt that his acts saved her life.  We know Marieka is immensely proud of Andy but we wanted it to be known that we are too.  Andy, we salute you for your act of bravery, selflessness, kindness and decency and we hope that you get the commendation that you so richly deserve.